Leaves From My Family Tree
Sources - Pollock Family
In 1950, shortly after his father died, Dean Pollock wrote a 20-typewritten-pages "Autobituary". Here is an excerpt of part of what he wrote explaining why it was important to, in effect, write his own obituary:
As for the (funeral) service itself, seldom do any of the details come off worse than the "obituary". It generally consists of a few bare facts (mostly dates) which the family, in the worst possible state of mind, has thrown together and handed to the parson. The stark and naked way-points of a man's life that thus emerge remind me of the flags that fly from the peaks of the "Big Top" -- they are the outstanding points alright, but they can't compete in interest with the three-ring circus that one can see by peeping under the canvas.
Dean's "Autobituary" is full of stories about his life, about his earliest memories in Joseph, Oregon, and other places he lived as he was growing up, and about family history. Much of what we know about the Pollock Family has come from this document.
Daniel Ross Pollock
Marriage 22 July 1859
Copy of marriage license from Microfilm. License No 2071. Copy given to me by Dean Pollock's cousin, Amey Bernice Wilson.
Other Children
Information about James B Pollock, the child who died in 1869 at age 1 year, is from cemetery records on the Internet (Ancestry.com - Iowa Cemetery Records). James B Pollock is listed as the son of Daniel and Agnes Pollock, and is buried near them. There is nothing in our oral Family History or in Dean's Autobituary about this child.
- 1860 - Illinois - Warren County - From the Internet - Ancestry.com
"Illinois Census, 1810-90"
- 1870 - Iowa - Page County - From the Internet - Ancestry.com
"Iowa Census, 1838-70"
Death 2 April 1890
This information is from the Internet - Ancestry.com - "Iowa Cemetery Records". "Cemeteries in Page County Vol. 4, 43464"
Edgar Anderson Pollock
- 1900 - Oregon - Wallowa County - Joseph (Town) - From the Internet -
www.usgennet.org/usa/or/county/wallowa/1900censusjo.htm Thank you, Janine M. Bork, for all of your hard work.
Dean Pollock
Birth 9 June 1897
Certificate of Birth; State Registered No. D. F. 53; delayed birth ctf issued Nov 12, 1940. Copy owned by Dianne McRae.
Birth Affidavit from the Department of State, Passport Office. Dean's copy now owned by Dianne McRae.
Dean was denied a passport in 1966, due to insufficient proof of birth, so had to have his Aunt Maude Amey Johnson fill out a Birth Affidavit. The text of her affidavit is:
I am Dean Pollock's Aunt, his mother being my sister. He was born in their home in Joseph, Oregon; June 9, 1897. The attending physician was Dr. Shaw, the nurse my mother Agnes Amey. These facts I know to be true. (Signed) Maude Amey Johnson. 28 November 1966.
City Directories
Polk's Directory of Portland, Oregon
- 1938 - Pollock, Dean (Mildred K) art dir Gerber & Crossley h1126 SE Sellwood blvd
- 1900 - Oregon - Wallowa County - Joseph (Town) - From the Internet -
www.usgennet.org/usa/or/county/wallowa/1900censusjo.htm Thank you, Janine M. Bork, for all of your hard work.
Richard Wayne Pollock
Birth 24 April 1924
Ctf of Birth, photocopy; Originally owned by Mildred Brown Pollock, now owned by Dianne McRae. Registration District No. 3104, Registered No. 16749, Cook County, Illinois.
17 August 1929 - Certificate of Correction which corrected the spelling of the last name. Dick would have been five years old when this correction was made -- perhaps the mis-spelling was discovered when he registered for school. Photocopy owned by Dianne McRae.
Death Certificate: State of Washington Dept of Social and Health Services, Vital Records, Ctf of Death. Cowlitz County, WA; Local file number 686, State file number 146-8. Photocopy owned by Dianne McRae.
The certified copy of Richard Pollock's Army discharge papers, previously owned by Richard Pollock, is now owned by Dianne McRae.
Death 24 December 1985
Death Certificate: State of Washington Dept of Social and Health Services, Vital Records, Ctf of Death. Cowlitz County, WA;1921; Local file number 686, State file number 146-8. Photocopy of the original owned by Dianne McRae.
Some of the information on this site is Family Tradition; some of it has been documented. If you have questions about my sources, please e-mail me.
Abbreviations for Polk's Directories:
h = house
r = rooms or resides
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Page revised 21 August 2002 |
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