Leaves From My Family Tree
Photograph Gallery
This page contains (nearly) all of the photographs on this Web Site.
Clicking on any image will take you to the page where that photo is featured.
If you have any of these photographs in your collection of Family Photos, please contact me. I have more photos than what I have put on the site, and some of them are unidentified. Maybe we can work together to identify our old photos.
Also, I have cropped most of the pictures so that the pages will load more quickly. If you are interested in seeing the whole photograph, including the matting, please contact me.
 Margaret Knox Brown |
 Missionary with SD Sioux |
 Sunday School Class |
 Fishing Trip |

William Peyton Henderson |
 Wm and Minerva Henderson |
 Nancy Wilcox Henderson |
 Nancy Wilcox Henderson |
 Joseph Bever's first home |
 Sunday School Class Kadoka, S. Dakota? |
 Denver Rail Road Men |
 Artesian Well |
Some of the information on this site is Family Tradition; some of it has been documented. If you would like to know my sources, please e-mail me.
© 2001 Dianne McRae |
Revised 8 September 2001 |