Leaves From My Family Tree
Civil War Letter
Aaron Doty was my paternal great-great grandfather. He was born to Elisha Doty and Hannah Reed on January 8, 1836 in Buffalo Grove, Illinois. He married Hannah Amanda Talbott in 1860 in Polo, Illinois, and they had five children, including Martha Etta Doty, who was my great grandmother.
Aaron Doty volunteered for the Union Army in 1862, and the letter that I have presented here was written on September 21 and 22, 1862. Coincidentally, President Abraham Lincoln delivered the first draft of his Emancipation Proclamation to Congress on September 22, 1862.
The letter from Aaron Doty written during the Civil War
Dear Brother & Sister
This fine sabath evening finds me in Camp Franklain at Dubuqe. I supose that you have heard that I have volunteered in the army if not it is true I vol. about one month ago and have been away from home 2 weeks to day   it seems like long two weeks have had 3 letters from Hannah She is not very well has a bad cough por girl she has a hard time of it she is coming out here to the state fair nexet week I never was more hearty than since I volu. I have got a bad cold now
There are Baracs for 4,000 men here will son be built I wish you were here to see us on dres parade I was meting to day had a good meting and good order am not one bit homesick if I could see Hannah once a day I should be satisfied it is hard yes very hard to be separated from as good a wife as mine but our Country called for me I believe and I am ready to obey I leave every thing for Hannah so if I never get back she will have some thing to live on have got the land divided and in her name
I shal go to Illinoi as soon as I get my uniform and money I wish that I could see you before I go away to the field of strife but I supose that is imposible --- no more now
Sept 22nd
I have been on drill to day and have got my dimes and now will pen you a few lines the company are all well I will tell you what we have to do in one day Squad Drill in the morning 5:45 oclock breakfast 8 oclock back to dril 8.50 return 11 oclock Batalion Drill 2 PM return (?) dress parade 5 oclock return 6 it is hard work to drill
have forty houses 20 by 40 fet and 12 feet high 3 bunks high it is quite a (town?) of all the noise I ever heard is here We will belong to the 32 Regimnet I want you to write me a long letter as soon as you can and pray for your Brother that he may prove faithfull to the end and met you in heaven ---
You must excuse my bad writing as I have to sit on the floor with a little board on my kne and canot write atall.
Direct to A Doty Dubuqe Iowa to the care of Capt Roselle
A Doty

The letter was written on paper with a red border across the top and a blue border along the side. In the upper-left corner is an embossed seal with an eagle and flag shield, with the words "Union and Constitution".
Click here for a copy of the first page of the letter.
This Doty family is among those descended from Edward Doty.
Aaron Doty is number 4829 in The Doty-Doten Family in America, compiled by Ethan Allen Doty.
Martha Etta Doty is number 6202 in The Doty-Doten Family in America
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Revised 24 June 2001 |
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