Leaves From My Family Tree
David Sturrock Brown - Divorce
The following is text from the divorce papers.
At a Special Term of the Supreme Court held at the City and County Hall Buffalo N.Y. in and for the County of Erie, May 19th 1896. Present Hon Truman C White Justice. |
Supreme Court David S. Brown vs Helen Rosamond Brown |
Wyoming County. |
This action having been tried on all the issues, before Hon Truman C. White at Erie Special Term May 19th 1896. On reading and filing Stipulation signed by the Attorneys for the Parties hereto, the pleadings and decision of said Justice, by which it appears that the said defendant has been guilty of the acts of adultery charged against her in the complaint in this action, and on motion of G. S. VanGorder of Counsel for the plaintiff, it is ordered and adjudged that the marriage between the said David S. Brown, and the defendant Helen Rosamond Brown be, and the same is hereby dissolved, and the said parties are, and each of them, is, freed from the obligations thereof. And it is further adjudged that it shall be lawful for the said plaintiff David S Brown to marry again in the same manner as though the defendant Helen Rosamond Brown were actually dead, but it shall not be lawful for the said defendant Helen Rosamond Brown to marry again until the said plaintiff David S Brown is actually dead. It is further adjudged that said defendant is not entitled to any right or title of Dower in the plaintiffs real estate or to any interest or distributive share in his personal property in case of his death intestate. It is further ordered that the plaintiff have the care and custody and education of the child Beatrice E. Brown mentioned and described in the complaint herein until the further order of this Court.
Judgment signed and entered May 23, 1896, at 8 o'clock A.M.
B. F. Williams, Dp. Clerk
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